Between AD 1000 and 1500, the Koriabo Tradition expanded extensively, spanning the Guianas and the lower Amazon, persisting into the 16th and 17th centuries in the Caribbean and select Amazon areas. Notably, despite its wide distribution, Koriabo ceramics displayed remarkable consistency in motifs and some vessel shapes. This paper combines radiocarbon and linguistic models to explore a dual-process hypothesis of Koriabo expansion, marked by cultural transmission and demic diffusion closely linked to the dispersals of Cariban languages. We suggest this interplay facilitated rapid dissemination and established partially uniform archaeological patterns across the landscape.This page regards the supplementary material, where we present the code and deatils of the radiocarbon model are presented. To access the linguistic phylogenetic model, click here.
Keywords: Koriabo Pottery, Amazonia, Carib-speaking peoples, Exchange Networks, Demic Diffusion
click here to access the repository and the raw data employed in this model.
For the lexical database used in the paper, go to the GitHub repository here.
# Loadding required shapefiles
koriaboPottery <- sf::read_sf("data_raw/koriabo.shp", crs = 4326) # Shapefile for the distribution of Koriabo pottery
caribanLanguages <- sf::read_sf("data_raw/cariban_languages.shp", crs = 4326) # Shapefile for the distribution of Cariban Languages
#caribanPoints <- sf::read_sf("data_raw/cariban_points.shp", crs = 4326) # Shapefile for group ethnomies base on Nimuendaju's map
water <- sf::read_sf("data_raw/sa_water.shp", crs = 4326) # Shapefile of Hydrography
world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = 'medium', type = 'map_units', returnclass = 'sf') # Loading world layer vector
dated_sites <- read.csv("data_raw/dated_sites.csv", header =) %>% #Dates sites with Koriabo Pottery
coords = c(13, 14),
crs = 4326
#Points of Cariban languages in our phylogeny
caribanPoints <- read.csv("data_raw/cariban_points.csv", header =) %>%
coords = c(5, 6),
crs = 4326
#All radiocarbon dates for loading into the Rmarkdown
datesTable <- read.csv("data_raw/dates_table.csv")
# Creation and management of data frame for all radiocarbon dates
c14dates <- read.csv("data_raw/c14dates.csv") # reading the CSV file with radiocarbon dates
c14dates$site <- factor(c14dates$site) # converting the column 'dates' in a factor
c14dates$country_state <- factor(c14dates$country_state) # converting the column 'country_state' in a factor
c14dates$culture <- factor(c14dates$culture) # converting the column 'culture' in a factor
This document was elaborated as the Supplementary Material for the paper entitled Demic Diffusion and Cultural Transmission? Assessing the spread of Koriabo Tradition as an archaeological correlate of the Cariban language expansions, submitted to the Journal Antiquity. It is intended to show only the code and plot results of the radiocarbon modeling for Koriabo pottery, made up by means of the rcarbon package. It does not contain interpretation for the archaeological analysis.
To access the repository of this file, contaning the raw data employed on the model, click here.
This webmap shows the distribution of all known sites with Koriabo pottery (settlements and trade finds), the precise location of dated sites, an overall distribution of Cariban Languages (both historical and present day), and the location of the Cariban Languages used to build the linguistic phylonegy presented in the paper.
Click on the features below to see the information about the Cariban languages and Archaeological sites considered in this study.